PL & LTL 2024: The 9th International Symposium on Pedagogical Lexicography and L2 Teaching and Learning

PL & LTL 2024: The 9th International Symposium on Pedagogical Lexicography and L2 Teaching and Learning


< Lexicography and Knowledge Services in the Age of AIGC >

The 9th International Symposium on Pedagogical Lexicography and Second Language Teaching and Learning (PL & LTL 2024) will be held from October 25 to 27, 2024  in Wuhan, China. PL & LTL 2024 centers on the evolving relationship among lexicography, L2 teaching and learning, and knowledge services in the dynamic Age of AI-Generated Content (AIGC). It is dedicated to promoting international dialogue on the latest advancements, emerging challenges, and future trends in pedagogical lexicography in an increasingly digital and post-dictionary world. The symposium will feature contributions by world-renowned academics, promoting dialogues among top lexicography theorists, practitioners, and publishers from both China and around the world.






Huazhong Agricultural University


Huazhong Agricultural University ( HZAU ) is based in Wuhan, Hubei province in central China. It was founded during the Qing Dynasty in 1898 by Zhang Zhidong –  then the governor of Hubei and Hunan province – as the first Agricultural School in China. With a history tracing back to The Hubei Farming School founded that same year, HZAU enjoys a history of over 120 years. Over 30 years, Huazhong Agricultural University aspires to be the promoter of higher education with a global reputation.
They also aim to become a leader in talent development and technological innovation in the fields of agriculture and life sciences, while working with a group of world-famous scholars.  They train a large number of innovative talents with global competence, and have achieved influence on the world's scientific, technological and industrial development.

Wuhan, China (Vedio)



Wuhan's video, China

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